踩坑小笔记 第一期
一. Linux篇
1.1 为虚拟显示器设置自定义分辨率
set custom resolution for virtual displays
1 | cvt 1366 768 |
is used to detect proper Modeline
for specified resolution, like a calculator, and its output can be used in following xrandr
1.2 设置systemd日志文件最大大小
set maximum size of systemd journal
1 | vi /etc/systemd/journald.conf |
Inside journald.conf
, set your desired limit, like SystemMaxUse=50M
, then run sudo systemctl restart systemd-journald.service
to apply changes.
1.3 修复系统中文支持异常问题,如无法显示中文路径
fix Chinese support in Linux
1 | locale -a |
In locale.gen
, uncomment zh_CN.UTF-8 UTF-8
and zh_CN GB2312
1.4 在bash中使用sudo重新执行上一条指令
1 | sudo !! |
1.5 让系统多使用物理内存,少使用交换空间
make system use more physical memory and less swap space
1 | sudo vi /etc/sysctl.conf |
1.6 为apt设置https代理
set https proxy for apt
Temporary proxy: add this parameter in your apt command:
1 | -o Acquire::http::proxy="" |
二. Windows篇
2.1 移除‘此电脑’中不需要的库文件夹
remove unnecessary folders in ‘This PC’, like ‘3D Objects’
1 | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MyComputer\NameSpace |
(Or use a third-party software to do this visually, like ‘Windows11 Manager’.)
2.2 修改系统RDP端口
change RDP port for major Windows versions
1 | (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp\" -Name PortNumber).PortNumber |
(Also see Microsoft official link)
三. Miscellaneous
3.1 修复代码文件在不同系统间移动时因行分隔符不同而导致的无效git操作
fix line endings in git
1 | git config --global core.autocrlf input |
3.2 为Git配置https代理
set https proxy for git
1 | git config --global https.proxy |
(effective for repos whose remote is in https protocol, check with git remote -v
3.3 为ssh配置socks5代理
set socks5 proxy for ssh in user config file
Add following line in your .ssh/config file:
1 | Host github.com |
And remind that ‘connect’ maybe not in your PATH so cannot be executed directly, you can find it in your git installation directory, like C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin\connect.exe
, and use that path to replace the single connect
in above commands.
- Title: 踩坑小笔记 第一期
- Author: Clayton Ryan
- Created at : 2024-01-24 10:41:00
- Updated at : 2024-01-24 12:13:02
- Link: https://blog.eddy.moe/2024/01/24/GeneralNote-1/
- License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.